Jayson Sevison
Personable and driven marketing leader with 13+ years experience in a variety of industries, services, and products. 10+ years developing marketing campaigns (lead magnets, webinar events, clickfunnels, email nurture, direct mailers). 10+ years building and managing websites (WordPress, Squarespace, Woocommerce). 5+ years simplifying brand and website messaging (Building a StoryBrand trained). 5+ years sales and marketing operations (Hubspot, Zapier, Zoho).
Industry Experience:
Marketing leader at 15 different companies in a variety of industries. 8+ years in the publishing, coaching, and business services industries, including two NYT bestselling authors/business influencers/thought leaders (Liz Wiseman and Greg McKeown). Helped launch two business non-fiction books that both became NYT and WSJ best-sellers (Multipliers 2nd Edition and Impact Players).
Prior Company Experience:
The Wiseman Group, UP Systems, SpinGo, Greg McKeown, THIS, Inc., Unique Communications Solutions
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from BYU